多媒體給孩子傳遞很多男女交往和性的資訊. 做父母的如何拿捏這些資訊? 我們又如何教導我們的孩子正確及健康的價值觀?
Young & Free 幫助孩子拒絕婚前性行為,鼓勵守貞. 我們都希望我們的孩子在遇到誘惑的時候可以做出正確的選擇. 我們讓孩子從認識他們的身份來建立正確價值觀和自主做出對的選擇.
我相信您希望您的孩子是個重視家庭和婚姻承諾, 一個珍愛自己, 擁有正確價值觀的人. 真誠地邀請你們的孩子來參加 5/18-19 Young & Free.
Social media feeds mass information about dating & sex to our children. What do we do with all these information? How do we instill in our children the values we desire for them to have?
Young & Free helps our children to choose no to premarital sex & yes to abstinence. We want our children to make the right choices when tempted. We empower them to know & be secure in their identity to make the right choices.
We believe wholeheartedly that you want your child to be someone who has healthy values & someone who values family & marital commitment. We sincerely invite your children to Young & Free on 5/18-19.
Friday Saturday
6P - Check in 9:30A - Doors open
7P - Evening session. 10A - Morning sessions
9:30P - End. 12P - Lunch
1P - Afternoon sessions
5P - Dinner fellowship
7P - Night sessions
9P - End