如何幫助人改變(Instruments In the Redeemer's Hand: How to Help Others Change)

  • 2016/10/08(Sat) 09:00(+0800) ~ 2016/10/09(Sun) 21:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • 心欣城市教會(Star Church Bethlehem)/ City to City Taipei Training Center / 115 台北市南港區經貿二路188號18樓(18F., No.188, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City)
  • 26 / 100
  • 社團法人台灣引力亞太人才發展協會(Empower Asia Pacific) Contact Organizer





Lois Kehlenbrink為紐約救贖主長老教會諮商中心的資深諮商心理師和督導。她Iona College取得諮商碩士,成為專業的婚姻家庭諮商師,並於西敏寺神學院(Westminster Theological Seminary)進修聖經輔導。她時常救贖主長老教會教導「福音帶來轉化」的課程,且於許多國家,如:阿根廷、德國、荷蘭、古巴、及墨西哥等,教授「福音帶來的轉化」及其它專業課程。

【About the Workshop】

This workshop follows on the heels of Dynamics of Biblical Change.  Now that we better understand and grasp the Gospel and are experiencing its effects in our own personal lives, we want to prepare to be instruments of change in the lives of others. As followers of Christ, we are being transformed and, at the same time, we are called to be agents of transformation. We will be using the textbook, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change, written by author Paul David Tripp, as well as other practical interventions developed at Redeemer Counseling Services in New York City. This workshop is about equipping, learning methods of engaging people, knowing how to lovingly ask questions that penetrate and expose the heart, the motivating center of all behavior, and then skillfully applying the Gospel, relying on God’s Spirit to bring about the needed change.


Lois Kehlenbrink is a counselor and clinical supervisor at Redeemer Counseling Services, where she has been counseling for 20 years. She received an M.S. in Family Counseling from Iona College, is a New York licensed Marriage and Family therapist, and studied Biblical Counseling at Westminster Theological Seminary. She teaches clesses regularly on Gospel Transformation at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, and ahs also taught abroad in Argentina, Germany, Holland, Cuba, the Domincan Republic, and Mexico. 


【日期時間 Date &Time】

2016/10/08(Sat)  09:00AM-19:00PM

2016/10/09(Sun) 14:00PM-21:00PM


NTD 6600(含教材/Book & Materials included)

早鳥價 EarlyBird NTD 6000

現場報名 Walking Price NTD 7000

《人如何改變》與《如何幫助人改變》二堂合報價  11000



心欣城市教會(Star Church Bethlehem)/ City to City Taipei Training Center / 115 台北市南港區經貿二路188號18樓(18F., No.188, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City)

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
課程費用 Fee

~ 2016/10/09 21:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$6,600
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